
lunes, 31 de enero de 2011

Letra Aceito O Seu Coração de Roberto Carlos

Letra Aceito O Seu Coração de Roberto Carlos

Eu não pensava que você viesse pra ficar
Felicidade traz pra mim
O que passou não quero mais lembrar
Só quero ter você aqui
Em cada dia quero ver de novo renascer
O amor que nunca mais senti
Aceito o seu coração
Para ficar junto ao meu mais uma vez
Você pode não acreditar
Eu fiquei só sem ter ninguém
Todo o amor que eu guardei em mim
Sempre será só seu meu bem
Em cada dia quero ver de novo renascer
O amor que nunca mais senti
Aceito o seu coração
Para ficar junto ao meu mais uma vez
Você pode não acreditar
Eu fiquei só sem ter ninguém
Todo o amor que eu guardei em mim
Sempre será só seu meu bem
Em cada dia quero ver de novo renascer
O amor que nunca mais senti
Aceito o seu coração
Para ficar junto ao meu mais uma vez
Para ficar junto ao meu mais uma vez
Para ficar junto ao meu mais uma vez

Letra A palavra adeus de Roberto Carlos

Letra A palavra adeus de Roberto Carlos

Eu não posso compreender
Porque tudo mudou pra mim
Foi uma palavra só
Que tudo destruiu em mim
Porque o mar tão calmo
Não se transformou em fúria
E não calou a voz que sem tremer
Me disse aquele adeus

Vi a luz do entardecer
Aos poucos se apagar pra mim
Não, não sabia se você
Ainda estava junto a mim

Chorei e o pranto a deslizar
Nem mesmo me deixava ver
O rosto que disse sem tremer
Aquele triste adeus

Porque o mar tão calmo
Não se transformou em fúria
E não calou a voz que sem tremer
Me disse aquele adeus

Vi a luz do entardecer
Aos poucos se apagar pra mim
Não, não sabia se você
Ainda estava junto a mim

Chorei e o pranto a deslizar
Nem mesmo me deixava ver
O rosto que disse sem tremer
Aquele triste adeus

Aquele triste adeus

Aquele triste adeus

domingo, 30 de enero de 2011

Letra A La Antigua de Roberto Carlos

Letra A La Antigua de Roberto Carlos

Yo soy de esos amantes a la antigua
Que suelen todavía mandar flores
De aquellos que en el pecho aún abrigan
Recuerdos de románticos amores
Yo soy aquél amante apasionado
Que aún usa fantasía en sus romances
Le gusta contemplar la madrugada
Soñando entre los brazos de su amada

Yo simplemente soy de esa clase
Que ya no es muy común en nuestros días
Las cartas de amor, el beso en la mano
Muchas manchas de carmín
Entre la sombras del jardín

Voy vestido igual que cualquiera
Y vivo con la vida de hoy
Pero es cierto que con frecuencia
Sufro por amor y a veces lloro por la ausencia

Porque soy de esos amantes a la antigua
Que suelen todavía mandar flores
Aunque yo sigo este mundo
Con sus modas y modismos
El amor es para mí siempre lo mismo

Yo soy de esos amantes a la antigua
Que suelen todavía mandar flores
Aunque yo sigo este mundo
Con sus modas y modismos
El amor es para mí siempre lo mismo
El amor es para mí.... siempre lo mismo
Siempre lo mismo, siempre lo mismo

Letra A Felicidade de Roberto Carlos

Letra A Felicidade de Roberto Carlos

Tristeza não tem fim
Felicidade sim
A felicidade é como a gota
De orvalho numa pétala de flor
Brilha tranquila
Depois de leve oscila
E cai como uma lágrima de amor

A felicidade do pobre parece
A grande ilusão do carnaval
A gente trabalha o ano inteiro
Por um momento de sonho
Pra fazer a fantasia
De rei ou de pirata ou jardineira
E tudo se acabar na quarta feira

Tristeza não tem fim
Felicidade sim

A felicidade é como a pluma
Que o vento vai levando pelo ar
Voa tão leve
Mas tem a vida breve
Precisa que haja vento sem parar

A minha felicidade está sonhando
Nos olhos da minha namorada
É como esta noite
Passando, passando
Em busca da madrugada
Falem baixo, por favor
Pra que ela acorde alegre como o dia
Oferecendo beijos de amor

Tristeza não tem fim
Felicidade sim.

sábado, 29 de enero de 2011

Letra A Cigana de Roberto Carlos

Letra A Cigana de Roberto Carlos

Na distância vi seu vulto desaparecer
Nunca mais seu rosto eu pude ver
Na distância vi seu vulto desaparecer
Nunca mais seu rosto eu pude ver

Uma vez você apareceu na minha vida
Eu não percebi você de mim se aproximar
Não sei de onde você veio e nem perguntei
Talvez de alguma estrada que eu ainda não passei

Seu olhar me disse tanta coisa num momento
Parecia que podia ler meu pensamento
E no seu sorriso mil segredos percebi
Então nos seus mistérios de repente eu me perdi

Na distância vi seu vulto desaparecer
Nunca mais seu rosto eu pude ver
Na distância vi seu vulto desaparecer
Nunca mais seu rosto eu pude ver

Minha mão você tomou nas mãos e conheceu
Minha vida inteira e o seu encanto me envolveu
Toda minha história leu nas linhas que mostrei
O que estava escrito e o meu amor eu lhe entreguei

Na distância vi seu vulto desaparecer
Nunca mais seu rosto eu pude ver
Na distância vi seu vulto desaparecer
Nunca mais seu rosto eu pude ver

Hoje você anda por lugares que eu não sei
Vive nos meus sonhos e nas lembranças que guardei
Disse tanta coisa quando leu a minha mão
Você só não previu a minha solidão

Letra 120... 150... 200 Km Por Hora de Roberto Carlos

Letra 120... 150... 200 Km Por Hora de Roberto Carlos

As coisas estão passando mais depressa
O ponteiro marca 120
O tempo diminui
As árvores passam como vultos
A vida passa, o tempo passa
Estou a 130
As imagens se confundem
Estou fugindo de mim mesmo
Fugindo do passado, do meu mundo assombrado
De tristeza, de incerteza
Estou a 140
Fugindo de você
Eu vou voando pela vida sem querer chegar
Nada vai mudar meu rumo nem me fazer voltar
Vivo, fugindo, sem destino algum
Sigo caminhos que me levam a lugar nenhum

O ponteiro marca 150
Tudo passa ainda mais depressa
O amor, a felicidade
O vento afasta uma lágrima
Que começa a rolar no meu rosto
Estou a 160
Vou acender os faróis, já é noite
Agora são as luzes que passam por mim
Sinto um vazio imenso
Estou só na escuridão
A 180
Estou fugindo de você

Eu vou sem saber pra onde nem quando vou parar
Não, não deixo marcas no caminho pra não saber voltar
Às vezes sinto que o mundo se esqueceu de mim
Não, não sei por quanto tempo ainda eu vou viver assim

O ponteiro agora marca 190
Por um momento tive a sensação
De ver você a meu lado
O banco está vazio
Estou só a 200 por hora
Vou parar de pensar em você
Pra prestar atenção na estrada

Vou sem saber pra onde nem quando vou parar
Não, não deixo marcas no caminho pra não saber voltar
Às vezes, às vezes sinto que o mundo se esqueceu de mim
Não, não sei por quanto tempo ainda eu vou viver assim

Eu vou, vou voando pela vida
Sem querer chegar

viernes, 28 de enero de 2011

Letra Una muchacha y una guitarra de Sandro

Letra Una muchacha y una guitarra de Sandro

Una muchacha y una guitarra
para poder cantar.
esas son cosas que en esta vida
nunca me han de faltar.

Siempre cantando, siempre bailando
yo quisiera morir.
De cara al cielo sobre este suelo,
en el que yo nací.

No quiero que me lloren,
cuando me vaya a la eternidad,
quiero que me recuerden
como a la misma felicidad.
Pues yo estaré en el aire,
entre las piedras y en el palmar,
estaré entre la arena
y sobre el viento que agita el mar.

Una muchacha y una guitarra
para poder cantar.
esas son cosas que en esta vida
nunca me han de faltar.(bis)

No quiero que me lloren,
cuando me vaya a la eternidad,
quiero que me recuerden
como a la misma felicidad.
Pues yo estaré en el aire,
entre las piedras y en el palmar,
estaré entre la arena
y sobre el viento que agita el mar.

Una muchacha y una guitarra
para poder cantar.
esas son cosas que en esta vida
nunca me han de faltar. (Repite 4 veces o más)

Letra Toda Una Vida de Sandro

Letra Toda Una Vida de Sandro

Toda una vida estaría contigo,
no me importa en qué forma,
ni cómo, ni dónde, pero junto a ti.

Toda una vida te estaría mimando,
te estaría cuidando como cuido mi vida,
que la vivo por ti.

No me cansaría de decirte siempre,
pero siempre, siempre,
que eres en mi vida ansiedad,
angustia y desespersción.

Toda una vida estaría contigo,
no me importa en qué forma,
ni cómo, ni dónde, pero junto a ti.

No me cansaría de decirte siempre,
pero siempre, siempre,
que eres en mi vida ansiedad,
angustia y desespersción.

Toda una vida estaría contigo,
no me importa en qué forma,
ni cómo, ni dónde, pero junto a ti.

No me importa en qué forma,
ni cómo, ni dónde, pero junto a ti.
No me importa en qué forma,
ni cómo, ni dónde, pero junto a ti.

jueves, 27 de enero de 2011

Letra Hasta el Fin del Mundo de Aleks Syntek

Letra Hasta el Fin del Mundo de Aleks Syntek

Caminando, se me va la vida, caminando
tú no estás y voy pensando
que no llevo rumbo caminando.

Caminando, voy buscando pistas, caminando
tú no estás y voy contando
cuántos años llevo caminando (y no me detendré).

Voy andando, con las mismas piedras tropezando,
veinte veces voy contando
la distancia y sigo caminando.

Te estoy buscando
si hasta el fin del mundo estás.
Ya voy llegando,
sé que te voy a encontrar.

Caminando, visté la Luna y regresando
hice un cráter de tanto ir caminando.
Tantas millas me están agotando (y no me detendré).

Voy buscando, con tu foto a todos preguntando Canciones de Aleks Syntek
veinte veces voy cantando.
Mi canción se repite caminando.

Te estoy buscando
si hasta el fin del mundo estás.
Ya voy llegando,
sé que te voy a encontrar.

Desde el norte hasta el polo sur
me voy acercando.
Yo quisiera ser el gurú
que prendió tu luz.
Hay un cielo azul
en donde estás tú.

Te estoy buscando
si hasta el fin del mundo estás.
Ya voy llegando,
sé que te voy a encontrar
cuando vayas al caribe.
Voy a buscar la paz interior
y cuando sea millonario
sé que te voy a encontrar.

Te estoy buscando...

Letra Eres agua de Aleks Syntek

Letra Eres agua de Aleks Syntek

Buscando beber de ti
sediento de un manantial
¿dónde está la virtud?
¿en dónde se ocultara?

Me cuesta trabajo creer
lo débil que soy sin ti
¿dónde esta nuestro error?
lo irreal se hace realidad

Arráncame el corazon
y muéstrame un más allá
quizás si logro entender
ya nada es como el ayer

Eres agua llevándome
lloviendo sobre de mí
tú eres la saciedad
que me hace resucitar
dame agua que de agua soy
cayendo del cielo voy
despacio a donde estas tú
bañándome con tu luz

Empápame hasta el final
inúndame así de ti
muéstrame la verdad
del mundo para vivir
sumérgeme un poco más
despiértame para ti
limpio de soledad
consciente para seguir

Eres agua llevándome
lloviendo sobre de mí
tú eres la saciedad
que me hace resucitar
dame agua que de agua soy
cayendo del cielo voy
despacio a donde estas tú
bañándome con tu luz

Eres agua llevándome
Eres agua llevándome
Eres agua llevándome

miércoles, 26 de enero de 2011

GeneXus lanza Smart Device Generador

GeneXus lanza Smart Device Generador
Smart Device Generador permite desarrollar aplicaciones para dispositivos Android, Blackberry e iOS (iPhone, iPad e iPod Touch).

GeneXus ha anunciado la liberación de su nueva herramienta de desarrollo GeneXus X Evolution 2 que incluye un generador de aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles inteligentes o Smart Devices llamada Smart Device Generator.

Esta herramienta permite generar una misma aplicación capaz de ejecutarse en multitud de dispositivos móviles inteligentes independientemente del software o hardware que utilicen.

Por el momento, GeneXus ha liberado la versión Beta 1 de GeneXus Evolution 2 con la que la Comunidad GeneXus, formada por más de 75.000 usuarios alrededor del mundo, ya está generando aplicaciones y compartiendo sus primeras experiencias.

Fuente: GeneXus.

The Pirate Bay intenta intimidar a discográficas con proyecto "The Music Bay"

Desmienten que Apple vaya a permitir Playboy en iPad

Apple hace excepción ante Playboy y permitirá desnudos en iPad

Letra Donde Quiera Que Estés de Aleks Syntek

Letra Donde Quiera Que Estés de Aleks Syntek

Donde Quiera Que Estés

(con Fey)

(Barrio Boyzz)
If I could only hear your voice (oir tu voz)
your words (tus palabras)
your thoughts (tus pensamientos)....
Siempre seré tu primer amor
I will always be your first love )
I'll always be your first love
Siempre sere tu primer amor )
Recuerda... siempre estoy a tu lado
Remember... I'm always at your side)
The mornin' comes without you with me
The afternoon drags on without your love
Another day, another heartache
Without you here the sun won't shine no more
Y mis paredes gritan por tu amor,
Tu imagen vive en mi habitación,
amandome, sonriéndome,
And my walls cry for your love,
driving me crazy
Your memory lives in my room,
loving me, smiling at me, missing you(?))

Girl, wherever you are
Girl, wherever you go, I'll be with you
...te pienso y te siento
I think of you and I feel you )
Girl, wherever you are I'll always be
...tu primer amor (your first love)
Just loneliness lives deep inside me
And all that's left are memories in my mind
I see your smile, I hear your laughter
I feel your kiss still linger on my lips
Will time and distance
make you want me more distancia
And bring me back your love
Solo el pasado de los dos, lo dirá
...lo dirá...
Only our past (together) will tell
...will tell it...)

I'm your first love
...tu primer amor
Only you and I
...solo tu y yo
I'm your first love
...tu primer amor
Only you and I
...solo tu y yo

Letra Clonacion de Aleks Syntek

Letra Clonacion de Aleks Syntek

Atención DNA registrado
Preparación celular
Clonación de ser humano activada

Yo quiero más
Más de lo que puedes ver
Más de lo que te imaginas
Todo lo que te rodea
Es para mi (yo quiero)

Quiero ir a tu fiesta
Quiero tus amigos
Quiero platicar lo
Que me cuentas tú (yo quiero)

Quiero tu camisa
Los mismo zapatos
Quiero los pecados
Que cometes tu (yo quiero)

Quiero tu comida
Quiero tu bebida
Todo lo que diga
Tu filosofía (yo quiero)

Quiero el mismo sexo
Misma perversión
Todo lo que tu haces
Quiero hacerlo yo (yo, yo, yo...)

Yo quiero más...

Quiero ir a tu fiesta
Quiero tus amigos
Quiero platicar lo
Que me cuentas tú (yo quiero)

La misma camisa
Quiero tus zapatos
Quiero los pecados
Que cometes tú (yo quiero)

Quiero tu comida
Quiero tu bebida
Todo lo que diga
Tu filosofía (yo quiero)

Quiero el mismo sexo
Misma perversión
Todo lo que tu haces
Quiero hacerlo yo (yo, yo , yo, ...)

Yo quiero más...

Yo nos soy nada
Sólo quiero ser
Un clon de ti
(Sólo quiero ser un clon de ti)

Yo quiero

martes, 25 de enero de 2011

Letra Bendito Tu Corazón de Aleks Syntek

Letra Bendito Tu Corazón de Aleks Syntek

Estoy dispuesto a todo
y todo es no pedirte nada,
nada que no seas tú
tú me has dado tanto
que tanto es nada,
para decirte, lo que yo
daría por tí.
Por eso voy a dejarte libre
para que el amor se vuelva
mas grande.
voy a quererte siempre
bendito tu corazón
(2 veces)
Tú me has dado tanto
que tanto es nada,
para decirte, lo que yo
daría por tí.
You have a bright and blessed heart
Por eso voy a dejarte libre...(se repite)
Yaka chucu chaca chucu chaca chucu cha
quiero que sepas que contigo estoy más vivo
yaka chucu chaca chucu chaca chucu cha
nada mejor en tí que un corazón bendito
(2 veces)
You come into my life,
para que el amor se vuelva más grande
you have a bright and blessed heart,
bendito tu corazón.

Letra Alguno de Estos Días de Aleks Syntek

Letra Alguno de Estos Días de Aleks Syntek

Sin ti sólo existen los remedios, lo que cura al corazón son los sueños por cumplir, al fin, es mi tiempo y mi momento, todo sea por descubrir un destino para mí, llenas el cielo de estrellas, eres mi vida a vivir, yo quiero alcanzar las más bellas, las quiero guardar para ti, yo sé que sí, alguno de estos días llegaré, arriba de las nubes volaré, yo sé, me sobran ganas de creer en mí, subir al fin y va por ti.

lunes, 24 de enero de 2011

Letra It's Late de Queen

Letra It's Late de Queen

You say you love me
And I hardly know your name
And if I say I love you in the candlelight
There's no-one but myself to blame
But there's something inside
That's turning my mind away
Oh how I could love you
If I could let you stay

It's late, but I'm bleeding deep inside
It's late, is it just my sickly pride?
Too late, even now the feeling seems to steal away
So late, though I'm crying I can't help but hear you say
It's late it's late it's late
But not too late

The way you love me
Is the sweetest love around
But after all this time
The more I'm trying
The more I seem to let you down
Now you tell me you're leaving
And I just can't believe it's true
Oh you know that I can love you
Though I know I can't be true
Oh you made me love you
Don't tell me that we're through

It's late, but it's driving me so mad
It's late, yes I know but don't try to tell me that it's
Too late, save our love you can't turn out the lights
So late, I've been wrong but I'll learn to be right
It's late it's late it's late
But not too late

I've been so long
You've been so long
We've been so long trying to work it out
I ain't got long
You ain't got long
We gotta know what this life is all about

Too late much too late
You're staring at me
With suspicion in your eye
You say what game are you playing?
What's this that you're saying?
I know that I can't reply
If I take you tonight
Is it making my life a lie?
Oh you make me wonder
Did I live my life alright?

It's late, but it's time to set me free
It's late, yes I know but there's no way it has to be
Too late, so let the fire take our bodies this night
So late, so let the waters take our guilt in the tide
It's late it's late it's late it's late
It's late it's late
It's all too late

Letra Innuendo de Queen

Letra Innuendo de Queen

One two three four

Ooh ooh

While the sun hangs in the sky and the desert has sand
While the waves crash in the sea and meet the land
While there's a wind and the stars and the rainbow
Till the mountains crumble into the plain

Oh yes, we'll keep on trying
Tread that fine line
Oh, we'll keep on trying
Just passing our time

Ooh ooh

While we live according to race, colour or creed
While we rule by blind madness and pure greed
Our lives dictated by tradition, superstition, false religion
Through the eons and on and on

Oh, yes, we'll keep on trying, yeah
We'll tread that fine line
Oh oh we'll keep on trying
Till the end of time
Till the end of time

Through the sorrow all through our splendour
Don't take offence at my innuendo

Duh duh duh duh duh duh duh
Duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh

You can be anything you want to be
Just turn yourself into anything you think that you could ever be
Be free with your tempo, be free, be free
Surrender your ego - be free, be free to yourself

Ooh ooh, yeah

If there's a God or any kind of justice under the sky
If there's a point, if there's a reason to live or die
Ha, if there's an answer to the questions we feel bound to ask
Show yourself - destroy our fears - release your mask
Oh yes, we'll keep on trying
Hey, tread that fine line
(yeah) yeah
We'll keep on smiling, yeah
(yeah) (yeah) (yeah)
And whatever will be - will be
We'll just keep on trying
We'll just keep on trying
Till the end of time
Till the end of time
Till the end of time

domingo, 23 de enero de 2011

Letra If You Can’t Beat Them de Queen

Letra If You Can’t Beat Them de Queen

Keep your chin up when you’re feelin’ lonely
Don’t let them get you down
Ain’t no use in your sitting all alone
Hangin’ around for someone to call
Ooh they won’t come knocking at all
Don’t run and hide
Even if it hurts you inside
So I said
Give as good as you get

If you can’t beat ’em,join ’em
You’d better do it
’cause it makes you feel good
If you can’t beat ’em,join ’em
You’re never gonna help yourself

Come on
Get up
You’re feelin’ good

Keep your fingers off my money
Don’t try and pull me down
You’re takin’ me out to wine and dine me
Tryin’ to wind me ’round and around
Invite me to your little contract ha! ha!
Rumour has it that you could play dirty
I’ll tell you what I’ll do about that
I’m playing at the wrong game yeah!

If you can’t beat ’em,join ’em
You’d better do it
’cause it makes you feel good
If you can’t beat ’em,join ’em
You’re never gonna help yourself

If you can’t beat ’em,join ’em
You’d better do it
’cause it makes you feel good
If you can’t beat ’em,join ’em
It’s everyone for themselves
Move on out

Letra I Want It All de Queen

Letra I Want It All de Queen

I want it all

And I want it now

Adventure seeker on an empty street
Just an alley creeper
Light on his feet

A young fighter screaming
With no time for doubt
With the pain and anger can't see a way out
It ain't much I'm asking, I heard him say
Gotta find me a future move out of my way

I want it all (3x)
And I want it now

Listen all you people, come gather round
I gotta get me a game plan
Gotta shake you to the ground

But just give me, huh, what I know is mine
People do you hear me, just gimme the sign
It ain't much I'm asking, if you want the truth
Here's to the future
For the dreams of youth

I want it all (Give it all, I want it all)
I want it all (Yeah)
I want it all and I want it now

I want it all (Yes I want it all)
I want it all (Hey)
I want it all and I want it now

I'm a man with a one track mind
So much to do in one lifetime (People do you hear me)
Not a man for compromise
And where's and why's and living lies

So I'm living it all, yes I'm living it all
And I'm giving it all, and I'm giving it all
Oh, oh yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

It ain't much I'm asking
If you want the truth
Here's to the future
Hear the cry of youth (Hear the cry of youth)

I want it all (3x)
And I want it now

And I want it (Now)
I want it, I want it

sábado, 22 de enero de 2011

Letra Hijack My Heart de Queen

Letra Hijack My Heart de Queen

Just walking down the street one cloudless sunny day
Just minding my business thinking my thoughts
Nothing much to say
When suddenly I got hit
Imagine my suprise
Your smile came up and zapped me right between the eyes
I’d never seen anything to compare with your smile
I’d never seen anything that came within miles
My heart got hijacked by you

Stuck in the traffic
Stuck at the lights what do I see
Some stupid bimbo in a fast car next to me
She takes off
Imagine my disgust
Like a bat out of hell
I get to eat her dust
I never had known anything to compare with her laugh
I’d never known anything that counted by half
My heart got hijacked by you

Hijack my heart
Hijack my heart
Steals my heart

Hijack my heart
Hijack my heart

Look at the cities
Look at the streets what do you see
Look at the faces look at the people they all want to be
Suddenly hit by something they don’t get to choose
It comes out of nowhere
Right out of the blue
I’d never seen anything to compare with your smile
I’d never seen anything that came within miles
My heart got hijacked by you

Hijack my heart
Now you really got a hold on me
You hijacked my heart
Don’t you know you won’t let me be
Stole my heart
Threw away the key
Oooee baby what’s become of me
You hijacked my heart
Now you really got a hold on me
Hijack my heart

Letra Hang on in There de Queen

Letra Hang on in There de Queen

Don’t let go, don’t lose your mystique,
Wait a little longer,
Tomorrow brings another feast,
Don’t let go, don’t lose your reputation,
Thank God you’re still alive,
You’re still in one piece,
Hang on in there, don’t lose your appetite,
Hang on in there, forget the danger signs,
Fray for that magical moment and it will appear
(don’t fight for lost emotions,)
Wait for the sunrise,
And everything will seem so clear,
(look straight ahead, look straight ahead,)
Hang on in there, hang on in there, hang on in there,
Your wish will be granted,
All your problems will disappear,
Don’t be a fool, you haven’t reached your peak,
You got a fast car racing up inside you,
Your life is incomplete,
Hang on in there, hang on in there,
Fray for that magical moment and it will appear
(wait for that moment),
Wait for the sunrise,
Just wait and see and it will seem so clear,
Let’s go, let’s go - ok now do the change now,
Yeah, hang on in there,
Hang on in there etc.

viernes, 21 de enero de 2011

Letra Good Company de Queen

Letra Good Company de Queen

Take good core of what you’ve got
My father said to me
As he puffed his pipe and baby b.
He dandled on his knee
Don’t fool with fools who’ll turn away
Keep all good company

Oo hoo oo hoo
Take care of those you call your own
And keep good company

Soon I grew and happy too
My very good friends and me
We’d play all day and sally j.
The girl from number four
And very soon I begged her won’t you
Keep me company

Now marriage is an insinuation sure
My wife and I our needs and nothing more all my friends by a year
By and by disappear
But we’re safe enough behind our door.

I flourished in my humble trade
My reputation grew
The work devoured my waking hours
But when my time was through
Reward of all my efforts my own
Limited company

I hardly noticed sall as we
Pated company
All through the years in the end it appears
There was never really anyone but me

Now I’m old I puff my pipe
But no-one’s there to see

I ponder on the lesson of
My life’s insanity
Take care of those you call your own
And keep good company

Letra Get Down Make Love de Queen

Letra Get Down Make Love de Queen

Get down make love
Get down make love
Get down make love
Get down make love
You take my body
I give you heat
You say you’re hungry
I give you meat
I suck your mind
You blow my head
Make love
Inside your bed - everybody
Get down make love
Get down make love
Get down make love
Get down make love

Ev’rytime I get hot
You wanna cool down
Ev’rytime I get high
You say you wanna come down
You say it’s enough
In fact it’s too much
Ev’rytime I get a
Get down get down get down
Make love

(get down) I can squeeze - (make love) you can shake me
(get down) I can feel - (make love) you can break me
(get down) come on so heavy (make love)
(get down) when you take me (make love)
You make love you make love you make love you make
You can make ev’rybody get down make love
Get down make love

Ev’rytime I get high
You wanna come down
Ev’rytime I get hot
You say you wanna cool down
You say it’s enough
In fact it’s too much
Ev’rytime I wanna get down get down get down

Get down make love
Get down make love
Get down make love
Get down make love

Ev’rytime I get hot
You wanna cool down
Ev’rytime I get high
You say you wanna come down
You say it’s enough
In fact it’s too much
Ev’rytime I wanna
Get down get down
Get down make love

jueves, 20 de enero de 2011

Letra Flick of The Wrist de Queen

Letra Flick of The Wrist de Queen

Dislocate your spine if you don’t sign he says
I’ll have you seeing double
Mesmerize you when he’s tongue-tied
Simply with those eyes
Synchronize your minds and see
The beast within him rise

Don’t look back
Don’t look back
It’s a rip-off
Flick of the wrist and you’re dead baby
Blow him a kiss and you’re mad
Flick of the wrist - he’ll eat your heart out
A dig in the ribs and then a kick in the head
He’s taken an arm and taken a leg
All this time honey
Baby you’ve been had.

Intoxicate your brain with what I’m saying
If not you’ll lie in knee-deep trouble
Prostitute yourself he says
Castrate your human pride
Sacrifice your leisure days
Let me squeeze you till you’ve dried

Don’t look back
Don’t look back
It’s a rip-off

Work my fingers to my bones
I scream with pain
I still make no impression
Seduce you with his money-make machine
Cross-collateralize, (big-time money, money)
Reduce you to a muzak-fake machine
Then the last goodbye
It’s a rip-off

Flick of the wrist and you’re dead baby
Blow him a kiss and you’re mad
Flick of the wrist - he’ll eat your heart out
A dig in the ribs and then a kick in the head
He’s taken an arm, and taken a leg
All this time honey
Baby you’ve been had

Letra Ensueño de Queen

Letra Ensueño de Queen

En mi sueño te vi
Tu luz llegaba de tan lejos

Tu voz penetra en mi
Vibra en ti
Vibra en mi

Suavemente me llevaba a ti
Oí el sonido

Tu voz dulcemente
Me decía: "Ven"
"Ven junto a mi"

Volver a vivir
Saber que mi sueño no está solo. Alienta en ti
Tú y yo cantando los dos

Yo soñaba en ser tu mismo mar, tu mar,
Es puente de unión
De nuestras almas

Vuelan, nos llaman
Al son de eternidad.

miércoles, 19 de enero de 2011

Letra Drag de Queen

Letra Drag de Queen

Puncture me
Make me feel
Like I am real
Torture me
Drag me under you

Lifts me up and down
Makes me

Life is much too short to be here
Life is much too short to be here

Please treat me
Like I'm a fallen angel
Supress me
Tell me

Life is much too short to be here
Life is much too short to be here

You can't tell me

Life is much too short to be here
Life is much too short to be here
DRAG Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah


Letra Doing All Right de Queen

Letra Doing All Right de Queen

Yesterday my life was in ruin
Now today I know what I'm doing
Got a feeling I should be doing all right
Doing all right

Where will I be this time tomorrow?
Jump in joy and sinking in sorrow
Anyway I should be doing all right
Doing all right

Should be waiting for the sun
Looking round to find the words to say
Should be waiting for the skies to clear
There ain't time in all the world

Should be waiting for the sign
And anyway I got to hide away

Yesterday my life was in ruin
Now today God knows what I'm doing
Anyway I should be doing all right
Doing all right

Doing all right

martes, 18 de enero de 2011

Letra Dead on Time de Queen

Letra Dead on Time de Queen

Fool always jumping never happy where you land
Fool got my bus’ness make your living where you can
Hurry down the highway
Hurry down the road
Hurry past the people staring
Hurry hurry hurry hurry

Leave on time leave on time
Never got your ticket but you leave on time
Leave on time leave on time
Gonna get your ticket but you leave on time
Put it in your pocket but you never can tell

Leave on time leave on time
Shake that rattle gonna leave on time
Leave on time leave on time
Fight your battle but you leave on time
Leave on time leave on time
Never got a minute no you never got a minute
No you never never got on no matter

Fool got no bus’ness hanging round and telling lies
Fool you got no reasons but you got no compromise
Gotta get out gotta get out gotta get out
Oh you know I’m going crazy

Leave on time leave on time
Gotta get ahead but you leave on time
Leave on time leave on time
Gonna head on ahead but you leave on time
Leave on time leave on time
You’re running in the red but you never can tell

Leave on time leave on time
Gotta get rich gonna leave on time
Leave on time leave on time
But you can’t take it with you when you leave on time
Leave on time leave on time
Got to keep yourself alive gotta leave on time
Gotta leave on time leave on time
Dead on time
’you’re dead’

Letra Cosmos Rockin' de Queen

Letra Cosmos Rockin' de Queen

What planet is this, mmmh ?
Let there be rock 'n' roll

It's a Saturday night and I'm home alone
With the music on quiet I'm flying solo
Then my feet start moving to the sound of the beat
Put the music up loud hear it in the street
Then the neighbours start banging on my front door
Throw the door wide open saying what's your point
Come on in let's rock this joint

We got the whole house rocking
We got the whole house rocking
We got the whole house rocking
We got the whole house rocking
We got the whole house rocking
To the mighty power of rock 'n' roll

We dance out of the door, dance into the street
And all the people are swaying to the musical beat
We rock down the road and down to the town
And all the people stare and smile and get down
Then the police man is saying "stop this noise"
But the beat takes over now he's one of the boys
The beat's taken over now he's one of the boys

Come on down let's rock this town

We got the whole town rocking
We got the whole town rocking
We got the whole town rocking
We got the whole town rocking
We got the whole town rocking
To the mighty power of rock 'n' roll

Let's go
Let it roll
Are you ready?
Said are you ready?
The cosmos rocks
Across seven seas through the Panama,
Now they're rockin' on beaches
and they're rockin' in bars
Don't ask me how and don't ask me why
From Miami Beach down to old Bondi
There's a rock 'n' roll fever
in every place
Next thing you know
they'll be rockin' out in space

Come on down let's rock this place
Come on down and
Sock it to me

We got the whole world rocking
We got the whole world rocking
We got the whole world rocking
We got the whole world rocking
We got the whole world rocking
To the mighty mighty mighty power

We got the cosmos rocking
We got the cosmos rocking
We got the universe rocking
We got the cosmos rocking
We got the cosmos rocking
To the might power of rock 'n' roll

lunes, 17 de enero de 2011

Telecharger Grand Ages Rome Gratuit

Telecharger Grand Ages Rome Gratuit


Rome ne s'est pas faite en un jour, c'est ce que Grand Ages Rome propose d'éprouver au travers des différentes étapes de la construction d'une ville durant l'Antiquité Romaine.

Suite de Imperium Romanum, Grand Ages Rome est une simulation économique et militaire complète. On choisit d'incarner l'une des 5 familles principales de Rome. Trahison, corruption et petits arrangements entre amis sont au programme.

Le volet économique est toujours aussi convaincant que dans le précédent épisode: il faut gérer les ressources (nourriture, bois, etc...) et assurer emploi, religion et loisirs aux plébéiens.

Les graphismes sont d'excellente facture, et si la carte graphique le permet, on peut admirer de superbes effets climatiques sur la mer déchainée ou les herbes folles. Les bâtiments sont très bien modélisés, ainsi que les habitants, sur lesquels on peut zoomer en jeu normal.

A la simulation économique s'ajoute un nouveau système de batailles amélioré. L'ergonomie a beaucoup progressé depuis Imperium Romanum et les nombreuses unités disponibles ont de quoi satisfaire les plus fins stratèges, des gardes prétoriens aux éléphants de combats...

La Méditerranée est le théâtre de combats navaux: affutez vos trirèmes! Des lieux historiques ont mêmes été modélisés, parmi lesquels Cyrène, Rome et Lugdunum.

La version complète promet une quarantaine de missions et un mode multijoueurs, jusqu'à 4 joueurs simultanément. La démo propose deux tutoriels et une mission.

Grand Ages Rome est un excellent jeu de stratégie économique et militaire. L'ambiance et les graphismes, proposent une immersion totale dans la Rome Antique... Plus que jamais, tous les chemins mènent à Rome!


Telecharger Mathenpoche 3ème Gratuit

Telecharger Mathenpoche 3ème Gratuit


Mathenpoche est un logiciel éducatif gratuit, résultat d'un projet open source, qui permet d'apprendre, de réviser et de s'entrainer aux mathématiques de niveau collège. Mathenpoche est également disponible pour les classes de 6ème, 5ème, 4ème et CAP.

Arithmétique, trigonométrie: la 3ème est l'année où beaucoup d'élèves décrochent. Mathenpoche offre tout qu'il faut savoir pour rester au contact du programme scolaire et obtenir son Brevet des collèges, du moins en mathématiques.

Systèmes d'équation, racines carrés et fonctions affines n'auront plus de secrets pour vous. Mathenpoche aborde en détail mais avec pédagogie les éléments les plus abstraits du programme d'algèbre.

En géométrie aussi, Mathenpoche colle au programme du collège: Thalès et Pythagore y sont présentés de façon claire et didactique, exemples à l'appui. La tant redoutée trigonométrie est mise à portée de tous.

Pour chaque chapitre, les règles sont illustrées par des graphiques bien réalisés. Les nombreux exercices disponibles disposent chacun d'une correction mise en image, pour mieux comprendre.

Une calculatrice scientifique virtuelle est fournie avec ce logiciel, ainsi que des instruments de géométrie. Rapporteur, compas et équerre, tous font l'objet d'un didacticiel pour apprendre à les manipuler.

Une fois téléchargé, il faut extraire le programme dans un répertoire de votre choix. Il faut également télécharger Adobe Flash Player pour avoir accès aux exercices, réalisés en Flash.

Mathenpoche est le programme que tous les collégiens attendaient: il récapitule, approfondit et fait réviser le programme de mathématiques avec une interface claire et précise. A utiliser avant chaque contrôle, et plus si affinités!


domingo, 16 de enero de 2011

Letra Calling You de Queen

Letra Calling You de Queen

A desert road from Vegas to nowhere
Someplace better than were you've been
A coffee machine that needs some fixin'
In a little cafe just around the bend

I am calling you
Can't you hear me?
I am calling you

A hot dry wind blows right through me
The baby's crying and I can't sleep
But we both know that a change is coming
Come on closer, sweet release

I am calling you
Can't you hear me?
I am calling you

Desert road from Vegas to nowhere

Letra Brighton Rock de Queen

Letra Brighton Rock de Queen

Happy little day Jimmy went away
Met his little Jenny on a public holiday
A happy pair they made so decorously laid
'Neath the gay illuminations all along the promenade
It's so good to know there's still a little magic in the air
I'll weave my spell

Jenny will you stay tarry with me pray
Nothing 'ere need come between us
Tell me love what do you say?
Oh no I must away to my mum in disarray
If my mother should discover how I spent my holiday
It would be of small avail to talk of magic in the air
I'll say farewell

Oh rock of ages do not crumble
Love is breathing still
Oh lady moon shine down
A little people magic if you will

Jenny pines away writes a letter ev'ry day
We must ever be together
Nothing can my love erase
Oh no I'm compromised
I must apologize if my lady should discover
How I spent my holidays

sábado, 15 de enero de 2011

Letra Blurred Vision de Queen

Letra Blurred Vision de Queen

One one one one...
One vision...
One flesh one bone one true religion
One voice one hope one real decision
Gimme one light - yeah
Gimme one hope - hey
Just gimme
One man one man one bar one night one day
Hey hey
Just gimme
Gimme gimme gimme fried chicken

Letra Bicycle Race de Queen

Letra Bicycle Race de Queen

Bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like

You say black I say white
You say bark I say bite
You say shark I say hey man
Jaws was never my scene
And I don't like Star Wars
You say Rolls I say Royce
You say God give me a choice
You say Lord I say Christ
I don't believe in Peter Pan
Frankenstein or Superman
All I wanna do is

Bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my
Bicycle races are coming your way
So forget all your duties oh yeah!
Fat bottomed girls
They'll be riding today
So look out for those beauties oh yeah
On your marks get set go
Bicycle race bicycle race bicycle race
Bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
Bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle
Bicycle race

You say coke I say caine
You say John I say Wayne
Hot dog I say cool it man
I don't wanna be the President of America
You say smile I say cheese
Cartier I say please
Income tax I say Jesus
I don't wanna be a candidate for
Vietnam or Watergate
Cos all I wanna do is

Bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like

viernes, 14 de enero de 2011

Letra Dainty Little Moonbeams de Elvis Presley

Letra Dainty Little Moonbeams de Elvis Presley

Girls in kimonos, shy little flowers
Smiling from beneath their parasols
Dainty little moonbeams, delicate as China
Gentle little oriental dolls

Letra Cotton Candy Land de Elvis Presley

Letra Cotton Candy Land de Elvis Presley

Sandman’s comin’, yes he’s comin’
To sprinkle you with sand
He’ll say “one, two, three”
And you’ll be, In cotton candy land

Sandman’s comin’, yes he’s comin’
He’ll take you, by the hand
And you’ll ride upon, a big white swan
In cotton candy land

You and the swan will float upon
A cloud of pink ice cream
Where every star is a candy bar
And the moon is a marshmallow dream

Sandman’s comin’, yes he’s comin’
Take his magic hand
Now sleep tight
In cotton candy land

In cotton candy land

jueves, 13 de enero de 2011

Letra Clean Up Your Own Backyard de Elvis Presley

Letra Clean Up Your Own Backyard de Elvis Presley

Back porch preacher preaching at me
Acting like he wrote the golden rules
Shaking his fist and speeching at me
Shouting from his soap box like a fool
Come Sunday morning he's lying in bed
With his eye all red, with the wine in his head
Wishing he was dead when he oughta be
Heading for Sunday school

Clean up your own backyard
Oh don't you hand me none of your lines
Clean up your own backyard
You tend to your business, I’ll tend to mine

Drugstore cowboy criticizing
Acting like he's better than you and me
Standing on the sidewalk supervising
Telling everybody how they ought to be
Come closing time 'most every night
He locks up tight and out go the lights
And he ducks out of sight and he cheats on his wife
With his employee

Clean up your own backyard
Oh don't you hand me none of your lines
Clean up your own backyard
You tend to your business, I’ll tend to mine

Armchair quarterback's always moanin'
Second guessing people all day long
Pushing, fooling and hanging on in
Always messing where they don't belong
When you get right down to the nitty-gritty
Isn't it a pity that in this big city
Not a one a'little bitty man'll admit
He could have been a little bit wrong

Clean up your own backyard
Oh don't you hand me, don't you hand me none of your lines
Clean up your own backyard
You tend to your business, I’ll tend to mine

Clean up your own backyard
You tend to your business, I’ll tend to mine

Letra Charro de Elvis Presley

Letra Charro de Elvis Presley

With eyes that hide the man within
You see behind the eyes of, other men
You’ve lived and died and come to life again
And now you stand alone at the crossroads of your mind
You’ve left your yesterdays behind..
But which road leads you to tomorrow?

You’ve turned your back on yesterday
Betrayed a man who swore he’d make you pay
For when you left you took his pride away
You know he’ll never let you break away so easily
You’ll have to fight, before you’re free
But how much more time can you borrow?

Now in a single moment your past grows dim
One thought goes racing across your mind
You ride to meet the woman you stole from him
Oh no!...Charro don’t go!...
Charro don’t go!!...

There’s something hanging, in the wind
Your past is catching up and closing in
You’ve been halfway to hell and back again
And now you laugh in the devil’s face
with your last breath...
You’ll run a race with life and death...
But will you live to see tomorrow?


miércoles, 12 de enero de 2011

Letra C'mon Everybody de Elvis Presley

Letra C'mon Everybody de Elvis Presley

Come on everybody and snap your fingers now
Come on everybody clap your hands real loud
Come on everybody take a real deep breath
And repeat after me
I love my baby
I love my baby
Hey, hey, hey and my baby loves me

Come on everybody and whistle this tune right now
Come on everybody and stomp your feet real loud
Come on everybody take a real deep breath
And repeat after me
I love my baby
I love my baby
Hey, hey, hey and my baby loves me

Well there ain’t nothing wrong with the long-haired music
Like Brahms, Beethoven and Bach
Well I was raised with a guitar in my hand
And I was born to rock
Well, come on everybody and turn your head to the left
Come on everybody and turn your head to the right
Come on everybody take a real deep breath
And repeat after me
I love my baby
I love my baby
Hey, hey, hey and my baby loves me

Letra Britches de Elvis Presley

Letra Britches de Elvis Presley

Beware of a gal in britches
Never trust no gal in britches
If you had a sense of this here horse
You would have known it by now of course
Who wears the britches is the boss
That’s a gal, that’s a gal in britches
Don’t mess with a gal in britches
No feminine gal wears britches
She’ll beg you to come to the country dance
You ride twenty miles for the big romance
She shows up in her brother’s pants
What’d you expect from a girl in britches
Yo-di-o-di-o-I-ay, It’s none of my misfortune
Yo-di-o-di-o-di-ay, Just thought you’d like to know
Don’t marry no gal in britches
You’ll never know which is which’s
She’ll put a halter through your nose
Have you cooking and washing clothes
While she goes chasing them buffaloes
Bet your boots, that’s a gal in britches.

martes, 11 de enero de 2011

Letra Blueberry Hill de Elvis Presley

Letra Blueberry Hill de Elvis Presley

I found my thrill on blueberry hill
On blueberry hill when I found you
The moon stood still on blueberry hill
And lingered until my dreams came true

The wind in the willow played
Love’s sweet melody
But all of those vows we made
Were never to be

Tho’ we’re apart, you’re part of me still
For you were my thrill on blueberry hill

Letra Blue Hawaii de Elvis Presley

Letra Blue Hawaii de Elvis Presley

Night and you
And blue Hawaii
The night is heavenly
And you are heaven to me

Lovely you
And blue Hawaii
With all this loveliness
There should be love

Come with me
While the moon is on the sea,
The night is young
And so are we, so are we

Dreams come true
In blue Hawaii
And mine could all come true
This magic night of nights with you

lunes, 10 de enero de 2011

Letra Black Star de Elvis Presley

Letra Black Star de Elvis Presley

Every man has a black star
A black star over his shoulder
And when a man sees his black star
He knows his time, his time has come

Black star don't shine on me, black star
Black star keep behind me, black star
There's a lot of livin' I gotta do
Give me time to make a few dreams come true
Black star

When I ride I feel that black star
That black star over my shoulder
So I ride in front of that black star
Never lookin' around, never lookin' around

Black star don't shine on me, black star
Black star keep behind me, black star
There's a lot of livin' I gotta do
Give me time to make a few dreams come true
Black star

One fine day I'll see that black star
That black star over my shoulder
And when I see that old black star
I'll know my time, my time has come

Black star don't shine on me, black star
Black star keep behind me, black star
There's a lot of livin' I gotta do
Give me time to make a few dreams come true
Black star

Letra Beyond The Reef de Elvis Presley

Letra Beyond The Reef de Elvis Presley

Beyond the reef where the sea is dark and cold
My love has gone from me and my dreams grow cold
There’ll be no tears, there’ll be no regretting
Will she remember me, will she forget?

I’ll send a thousand flowers
Where the trade winds blow
I’ll send my lonely heart for I love her so
Some day I know, she’ll come back again to me
Till then my heart will be beyond the reef

I’ll send a thousand flowers
Where the trade winds blow
I’ll send my lonely heart for I love her so
Some day I know, she’ll come back again to me
Till then my heart will be beyond the reef

Till then my heart will be beyond the reef

domingo, 9 de enero de 2011

Letra Beach Shack de Elvis Presley

Letra Beach Shack de Elvis Presley

When you're through swimming
I'll dry your back
Come and relax girl
In my little beach shack
dum-di-dum-di-dum, yeah-yeah-yeah
There'll be nothing you'll lack
It's a pleasure to welcome you
In my little beach shack

In my beach shack, baby we'll be alone
In my beach shack, I'll make you feel at home

Take off that wet cap
Let down your hair
Come to my beach shack
You'll be comfortable there
dum-di-dum-di-dum, yeah-yeah-yeah
Be my guest, have a snack
See how nice I feed company
In my little beach shack

In my beach shack, baby we'll be alone
In my beach shack, I'll make you feel at home

Come see my etchings
I wish you would
Don't be afraid girl
My intentions are good
You believe me now..
dum-di-dum-di-dum, yeah-yeah-yeah
I know girls by the pack
There's no-one I want there but you
In my little beach shack

In my beach shack, baby we'll be alone
In my beach shack, I'll make you feel at home

In my little beach shack....

Letra Bad Moon Rising de Elvis Presley

Letra Bad Moon Rising de Elvis Presley

I see the bad moon rising
I see trouble on the way
I see earthquakes and lightnin’
I see bad times today
Don’t go ‘round tonight
It’s bound to take your life
There’s a bad moon on the rise
I hear hurricanes a blowin’
I know the end is commin’ soon
I fear rivers over flowing
I hear the voice of rage and ruin
Don’t go ‘round tonight
It’s bound to take your life
There’s a bad moon on the rise
Hope you got your things together
Hope you are quite prepared to die
Looks like we’re in for nasty weather
One eye is taken for an eye
Don’t go ‘round tonight
It’s bound to take your life
There’s a bad moon on the rise

sábado, 8 de enero de 2011

Letra Auld Lang Syne de Elvis Presley

Letra Auld Lang Syne de Elvis Presley

Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And auld lang syne

For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll take a cup o' kindness yet
For auld lang syne

And surely ye'll be your pint stowp
And surely I'll be mine
And we'll take a cup o' kindness yet
For auld lang syne

For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll take a cup o' kindness yet
For auld lang syne

We twa hae run about the braes
An pou'd the gowans fine
But we've wander'd mony a weary fitt
Sin' auld lang syne

For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll take a cup o' kindness yet
For auld lang syne

We twa hae paidl'd in the burn
Frae morning sun till dine

Letra Are You Sincere de Elvis Presley

Letra Are You Sincere de Elvis Presley

Are you sincere when you say I love you
Are you sincere when you say you love me too
Oh and are you really mine every day, all the time
I've gotta know which way to go
Will our love grow, are you sincere

Are you sincere when you say I love you
Honey, are you sincere when you say you love me too

And are you really mine every day, all the time
I've gotta know which way to go
Will our love grow, are you sincere

viernes, 7 de enero de 2011

Letra Anyone de Elvis Presley

Letra Anyone de Elvis Presley

Anyone could fall in love with you
Anyone who knows you as I do
Anyone could fall in love with you
And I love you my darling

Anyone could lose his heart like me
Anyone who has eyes that can see
Anyone could fall in love like me
And I love you my darling

You’re the star I reached for
You’re a dream so rare
You’re my greatest treasure
Nothing can compare

Anyone could want you for his own
Anyone not only mine alone
Anyone could fall in love with you
And I love you my darling
Anyone could fall in love with you
And I love you my darling

Letra And I Love You So de Elvis Presley

Letra And I Love You So de Elvis Presley

And I love you so,
The people ask me how,
How I've lived till now
I tell them I don't know

I guess they understand
How lonely life has been
But life began again
The day you took my hand

And yes I know how lonely life can be
Shadows follow me
The night won't set me free
But I don't let the evening get me down
Now that you're around me

And you love me too
Your thoughts are just for me
You set my spirit free
I'm happy that you do

The book of life is brief
Once the page is read
All but love is dead
This is my belief

martes, 4 de enero de 2011

Descargar DriverIdentifier 32 Gratis

Descargar DriverIdentifier 32 Gratis


Cuando compras o te regalan un ordenador nuevo, no siempre es fácil saber qué componentes lo forman y qué drivers utiliza.

Con DriverIdentifier tendrás al día todos los controladores de tu computadora. Con soporte para más de 27 millones de dispositivos, DriverIdentifier analiza tu equipo y te muestra una página con la lista de controladores y si están actualizados.

En caso que no lo estén, DriverIdentifier te ofrece información del dispositivo y un enlace de descarga con la última versión para que lo instales por tu cuenta.


Descargar Wave Editor 3100 Gratis

Descargar Wave Editor 3100 Gratis


Hay veces en las que sencillamente quieres editar un fichero de sonido, no crear una obra maestra. ¿Por qué no usar entonces un programa eficaz y si pretensiones, como Wave Editor?

De apertura casi instantánea, Wave Editor demuestra desde el comienzo un impacto casi nulo en tu sistema; también soporta los formatos de archivo más comunes y es capaz de abrirlos en cuestión de segundos.

En cuanto a las funciones de Wave Editor, no esperes más que las indispensables: corte, silencios, transiciones, inversión de canales y de tiempo, etc. Justo lo necesario para tus retoques puntuales y no profesionales.


lunes, 3 de enero de 2011

Descargar StuntMANIA Reloaded 10 Gratis

Descargar StuntMANIA Reloaded 10 Gratis


StuntMANIA Reloaded no es un título de carreras al uso. Y es que en este juego de coches teledirigidos lo importante es recorrer los escenarios y descubrir todos los items ocultos mientras realizas atrevidas piruetas y saltos en ellos.

StuntMANIA Reloaded se compone de diversos circuitos que no son tales, ya que, aunque existen caminos marcados, deberás salirte de ellos para descubrir objetos y potenciadores que ayudarán a mejorar tus cabriolas aéreas y, por tanto, tu puntuación.

En el apartado técnico, StuntMANIA Reloaded mejora sensiblemente los diseños y acabado de anteriores entregas de la franquicia, añadiendo vistosos efectos gráficos y de sonido que harán más espectaculares las peripecias acrobáticas de tus coches.


Descargar 3DMark 11 10 Basic Editon Gratis

Descargar 3DMark 11 10 Basic Editon Gratis


3DMark 11 ha llegado para poner al límite las tarjetas gráficas compatibles con tecnología DirectX 11. Si eres el afortunado poseedor de una de ellas, estas demos técnicas te dejarán boquiabierto.

La versión Basic de 3DMark 11 cuenta con un número determinado de configuraciones para que poner a prueba tu hardware con pruebas de tres tipos: rendimiento gráfico, rendimiento de procesamiento y efectos de física.

No hace falta decir que las demos de 3DMark 11, aunque algo cortas, son visualmente expectaculares. En esta edición las pruebas suceden en dos entornos: el fondo submarino y un jungla salpicada por ruinas precolombinas. Comprueba si tu máquina está preparada con estos resultados numéricos.


domingo, 2 de enero de 2011

Letra You Really Got A Hold On Me de The Beatles

Letra You Really Got A Hold On Me de The Beatles

I don't like you
But I love you
Seems that I'm always thinking of you
Oh, oh, oh
You treat me badly
I love you madly
You've really got a hold on me
You really got a hold on me, baby

I don't want you,
but I need you
Don't want to kiss you
but I need to
Oh, oh, oh
you do me wrong now
my love is strong now
You really got a hold on me
You really got a hold on me, baby

I love you and all I want you to do
is just hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me
Tighter. Tighter.

I want to leave you
don't want to stay here
Don't want to spend
another day here
Oh, oh, oh, I want to split now
I just can't quit now
You really got a hold on me
You really got a hold on me, baby

I love you and all I want you to do
is just hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me

You really got a hold on me
You really got a hold on me

Letra Zip a Dee Doo Dah de Hannah Montana

Letra Zip a Dee Doo Dah de Hannah Montana

My my my my my what a
Wonderful day
Plenty of sun shine
Headin' my way

Oh Mr. Bluebird on my shoulder
It's the truth and it's actual
Everything is gonna be satisfactual
Wonderful feelings
Wonderful day

Come on
That's right

Oh Mr. Bluebird on my shoulder
It's the truth and it's actual
Everything is gonna be satisfactual
Wonderful feelings
Wonderful day

One more time now
Wonderful feelings
Wonderful day

Wonderful feeling, oh yeah
Wonderful day, yeah

What a wonderful day

sábado, 1 de enero de 2011

Letra Tick, Tick, Bang (Alternative Version) de Prince

Letra Tick, Tick, Bang (Alternative Version) de Prince

Yeah, 1 2 3 4!

U're such a big tease
U get me all excited, all excited
And then U go home
I like 2 say "Please"
See my candle, wanna light it, wanna light it?
U like 2 say "No"

U're just a bombshell
If I ever get it, ever get it
There's no telling, no telling how long I'll last
Before I tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, bang all over U
Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, bang, bang all over U
Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, bang, bang, bang, tick, bang, bang!

Oh yeah!

I can't concentrate
When I see your bang bang tick bang bang
I just wanna bang
I wanna masturbate
Baby girl, it ain't the same, it ain't the same
As the real thing

U're such a bombshell
If I ever get it, ever get it
There's no telling, no telling how long I'll last
Before I tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, bang all over U
Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, bang, bang all over U
Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, bang, bang, bang, tick, bang, bang!

Ooh yeah!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Ow!

U're like a wet dream
No matter how I try 2 fight it, try 2 fight it
I just tick, bang
I scream
See my candle, wanna light it, wanna light it?
I just wanna bang


Come on!
Oh yeah!
Oh yeah!
(Come on)
(Come on) Oh!
(Come on) Oh!
Oh yeah!

Letra Tick, Tick, Bang de Prince

Letra Tick, Tick, Bang de Prince

Ooh, I can't hold it
Ow! Bang, b-b-bang, bang

U, yeah.
U're such a big tease, u get me all excited,
all excited then u go home.
U're like ice cream,
knew I got 2 getcha, got 2 getcha, before u're all gone.

U're such a bombshell,
and if I ever get ya, ever get ya, ever get ya,
there's no telling how long I'd last
before I tick, tick bang all over u
tick, tick-a-tick, bang, bang all over u
tick, tick-a-tick, bang, bang, bang, tick, bang, bang

U Ain't no cheap thrill,
every time u tick I'd rather u bang,
but u leave me in a fire sweat (leave me in a fire sweat)
U're like a good pill
all I need is 2, and I'm so into u, u're the best stuff that I could get.

U're such a bombshell
If I ever get ya, ever get ya, ever get ya,
there's no telling how long I'd last.
Before I tick, tick, bang, all over u
all over u, tick, all over u, tick, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang

Ooh, I can't hold it. Ooh, it's getting all over me.
Ooh, I can't hold it. Ooh, it's getting all over me.

U're such a queen bee
let me taste your honey, taste your honey, taste your honey, 4 it go bad
You're so slippery
Like this chain around my hip, I want a 24k relationship.
So baby don't spit me out, tick, tick, bang, all over u.
tick, tick-a-tick, bang
Ooh, I can't hold it. Ooh, it's getting all over me.

U're such a bombshell
If I ever get ya, ever get ya, ever get ya,
there's no telling how long I'd last.
Before I tick, tick-a-tick, bang, bang, bang, bang, all over u
all over u, bang, all over u, tick, tick, bang, all over u
tick, tick, bang, all over u. tick, tick, bang, all over u
all over, bang, all over, bang, all over, tick, bang